
How simple the world could be


3 minute read

two entries in one today

Had trouble focussing today.

Made a bean soup, didn't come out as good as the recipe looked - next time I'll use dried beans. Fun though, uses an egg poached in the soup at the end.

My new chair arrived today. It's good, I still need to properly adjust it.

I don't know, I felt more energy earlier in the day to write, but now I'm just tired.

I've started listening to Atomic Habits, there's some good stuff. I don't know how much of it I'll absorb. We'll see.

Reviewed how much I have left to do for It's not very much! Exciting.

I'm working from home tomorrow, I'm gonna copy the ttt bash script over and try using that with my watch on a timer. Even getting one week of data could be useful.

I've started looking at my photos from my trip now, I think I'm ready to start editing and uploading. I have this idea to try to copy vsco filters with Ronin, so I can edit my pics without leaving the computer. I'm also not sure how to store them, I think I'd like to have a primary place I post them and then have instagram be the secondary post.

I want to do some really small photos too.

the next day

I essentially finished this post yesterday, but I didn't have it in me to do the last stretch. What was I listening to? In truth, almost entirely Kali Malone, and some of what spotify suggests afterwards - often things I already know, like Abul Mogard's Half Light of Dawn.

I'm happy to being moving closer towards ambient, drone, slow music. It's a genre that artists I look up to often enjoy.

I've been quite distracted today, only honing into work on the fringes of the day while passing the middle entirely distracted.

how to get around that

I've been using pompom more and more, enough to have a couple of feature requests. I've started using ttt at work. I don't know if it will really help, but at least I'll get a grip on what this kind of process might look like.

A la James Clear, let's make an identity out of it: I am the kind of person who keeps track of the time they spend. Therefore it makes sense to be regularly logging what I'm doing.

I struggle to keep it as regular as I'd like. Today I used my watch alarm, but I often forgot to start it again. I don't want to do this at work either, I feel like it'll be annoying.

I think I'll try using the built in alarm on mac, and see if I can change the sounds. I can write a script to play a short sound every 6 minutes, and from there see if I need to put in a visual reminder too I can put in notifications too. I like the idea of taking any app ideas and reducing them to simple bash scripts. How simple the world could be.

what else

Been thinking about weaving again, and found this nice quote:

'Nothing we do is better than the work of handmind. When mind uses itself without the hands it runs the circle and may go too fast; even speech using the voice only may go too fast. The hand that shapes the mind into clay or written word slows thought to the gait of things and lets it be subject to accident and time.'

It is of course from my fave, Ursula K Le Guin, from "Always Coming Home". I found it from this channel: which found it from

Still want to do some really small photos. I have this nice file my work laptop called something like "", and it's got a a nice heading called "what's on my mind". It's cool to come back and see what I've been thinking of. The small photos comment feels like a good one to go there.

listening to
