
first stretch was almost unbearable


3 minute read

I'm feeling a bit better today, despite having a horrible sleep.

I managed to enforce a bit of screen-free time last night. As usual the first stretch was almost unbearable, but after that came the mental freedom I remember so fondly.

Knowing what I want, choosing what I want

I've talked earlier about struggling to know what I want. This has caused me a lot of stress in the lead up to my trip, I don't feel like I'm making the right decision because I don't know what I want to achieve. I've made progress. Part of knowing what I want is the act of choosing what I want.

Yesterday I got worked up a bit trying to plan my next step, and planning my return. Then I got worked up thinking about the stress that travel creates, always moving and always making decisions. I had to remember what I want primarily, and structure my plans around that.

  1. To spend an extended amount of time in Argentina
  2. To improve my spanish
  3. To see some more of Argentina
  4. To improve my portuguese
  5. To have peaceful time away from Melbourne

Hobart captured that last point last year. I got so much out of it.

Freedom in knowing my weaknesses

Another part of knowing what I want is knowing my strengths and weaknesses.

a constant return

Returning to another idea I've mentioned already, the need to always be affirming and evaluating what I'm doing and if it holds up to my values and goals. I'm listening to (yet another) interview with Jack Self and he mentions his process of reflection and how it's fits in his routines:

It’s very easy to forget what it is you're doing with your life and it’s very easy to see mission creep seep in. I shave my head between every two and four days, and every time I do I take it as a moment for reflection on what is it that I'm doing this week, are there ways I could be using my power to advance these causes which I think are important, am I doing the best job and most of all am I sincerely trying to live a life in the service of others.

It's awfully idealistic, as it should be.


I've also returned to weaving. I made an extremely primitive tool to help with the tapestry design. A proof of concept more than a real tool. a grid with red cells filled in the shape of a face and a heart a loom on the bed with a tapestry started on it. There is a printed design behind the warp and a copy beside it, with a small face and text that reads "wow this is so easy"

anything else?

listening to
