
my own spinning mind


2 minute read

I was the designated driver last night so I just had 0.5% beers. I still got home late but expected to feel pretty good this morning.

Instead I felt like I'd been dragged through molasses. I was unbelievably tired this morning, I barely got out of bed before midday.

I think I was just a little run down, and tired from the beach.

Still blows my mind that I can feel "run down" even though I'm not working.

another day of restlessness

I am, once again, struggling to concentrate. I might talk to my psychologist about it, though I think I've lost my discounted consultations. I desperately want to keep some kind of record of my activity and attention. A bird's eye view of my time and effort would be invaluable.

It might be time to implement some of the techniques from Ken Watanabe's "Problem Solving 101". I'll finish reading it today and take some notes, then apply what I've learnt and type it up in tomorrow's journal. Some kind of timekeeping, applied consistently for a couple of weeks at least. It would be a dream if I also pulled my diet and bowel movement journal into it too, but I don't want to dream too big.

This idea honestly feels impossible, but less than a year ago so did keeping a daily journal.

As James Clear says, in the subject line of an email joining a pile of emails I'm yet to read,

3-2-1: Inspiration, getting started, and the power of cumulative action

(emphasis my own)

It turns out doing something often makes it easier to imagine doing more things, kind of like learning a new word.

Here's some artists doing cool AI generated image work

Here's a textile artist that inspires me to get back to weaving

Here's some articles I read recently (as a treat and as fuel for my own spinning mind)

I'm going to try out Arc tonight and write about it tomorrow.

listening to
