
tool for the task


3 minute read

blosh updates

I've had a breakthrough with blosh (blog bash script). I was hung up for a while trying to find a way to add IDs to the h-tags so I could link to them with hrefs. My solutions were getting more and more convoluted, because truthfully bash is an inappropriate tool for the task. The goal with this script, however, is to be mostly bash and to be pretty straightforward to read and understand. The breakthrough is this: don't automate IDs in the h-tags. Not only does the current library I use - goldmark - make a mess of the IDs anyway, but I think it's better to use Text Fragments.

This from the mdn web docs:

Text fragments allow linking directly to a specific portion of text in a web document, without requiring the author to annotate it with an ID, using particular syntax in the URL fragment. Supporting browsers are free to choose how to draw attention to the linked text, e.g. with a color highlight and/or scrolling to the content on the page. This is useful because it allows web content authors to deep-link to other content they don't control, without relying on the presence of IDs to make that possible. Building on top of that, it could be used to generate more effective content-sharing links for users to pass to one another.

They're supported by all current browsers, and older browsers also support in page text searching - so the link alone ought to be enough. Everytime I've linked to an older post it has been in the interest of a specific line anyway, so now all I have to do is find the small number of times I've done so and change the hrefs.

nice to haves

life updates

I've arrived in Portugal! I arrived a few days ago and did some tourism with a friend. It was fun, Lisbo(a/n) is old and has narrow streets that can be surprisingly quiet.

My friend left on Monday, and now I'm here alone. I need to decide what to do, and how to do it. The same questions we all have, all the time, for the rest of our lives.

It's funny to have wanted this for so long, and planned it at length, to now arrive and have to deal with it. The burden of getting what I want.

(the following list is not written in stone)

  1. Most importantly I want to speak fluent portuguese, so I will base my decisions around this
  2. I want to get a job, so I don't spend all my money.
  3. I want to address and rectify my disatisfaction with aspects of my career. Will write more on this later, possibly privately.
  4. I want to continue to pursue my creative interests: Drums, comics, poetry, and at the moment also Crochet (crochĂȘ).
  5. I want to get and stay fit and strong.

The plant project has stagnated a bit. I've been thinking about it occasionally, but have no desire to work on it. Well I've got plenty of time now, so I may yet finish it before the end of the year.

how was brazil

It was good. I walk around a lot, and didn't relax as much as I thought I would. I did relax a little though. I suspect the water in Arraial de Cabo is saltier than normal; I could float with astonishing ease, to the point I felt like I could have a nap in the water. I swam with a turtle. Thanks to the shitty $6 goggles I bought I got to see it clearly. They're soulful looking creatures, and watching it fly off into the cloudy water was sublime and something I won't forget for a long time.

anything else

Being here reminds me of when I was in Amsterdam. It was a hard time, and the feeling is not very welcome, but at least it induces an impressive degree of economy in my spending.

I went to a gallery and a museum yesterday, always a treat. What to do with all the photos I take? I really like what the "soft" app does to them, I'd like to give non-soft-app photos the same treatment. It's a mix of colour editing and adding some noise. I might look in imagemagick again.

I started watching "The Conclave" on the plane, would like to try to finish it. It's about choosing a new pope.

been thinking, and struggling, with the question "what's the dream"

listening to

Show You a Body - Haley Heynderickx
