I think it'll be really cool
3 minute read
Been very head empty, been having a good time. I've been a bit sick, and it's lingering. I've played a lot of Breath of the Wild.
Would be good to get more massages, to be aware that mind and body are one and the same. I'm on holiday mode, but a little exercise will be good tomorrow. I'll go for a walk.
Full house these days, M arrived this morning. B goes to surgery tomorrow, is nervous but it's not a serious surgery.
Today is now tomorrow
I'm sitting at my favourite part of the house, as everyone else is out helping with surgery. I've let the dogs out into the yard and I'm making a coffee. It's a slow day for me, went to bed around 2:00 and slept until 9:30. My body is forcing a 7.5-8 hour sleep tax, regardless of what time I go to bed. Not a bad thing?
not a bad thing
As much as I don't like the narrator's voice, I am enjoying Robert MacFarlane's The Old Ways. The downside of audio books is it's much harder to copy a quote, and I don't want to go scrubbing to find it, so I'll give you here my best attempt at recalling it. It's a quote from someone in the book, so twice removed from it's original source:
History flows from geography like water from a well
It is tempting and common in the west to ignore the place itself. I couldn't tell you the name of the mountain ranges to my north and south, nor the dirt, nor the rocks below. I understand this is a glacial valley, an understanding won only through years of exposure to Aotearoa. I don't know who cares for this land, I don't know what grows best or what's in season. Yet everything I do here is dictated on and predicated by the affordances of it's particular geography. I enjoy a cool breeze, I spend hot days by the lake, I eat fresh raspberries. There's no flooding, the mountain side stays in place, the roads are flat. We are aware of and alert for forest fires, that happen through natural causes, and through attempts at land grabs. Burnt forest ceases to be part of the protected national park, and enters the market. There are some who wish to buy, and are tired of waiting.
I keep confusing frambuesa/raspberry with frutilla/strawberry. Worse at this time of year, when frambuesas are in season and when I'm constantly choosing icecream and dessert flavours. However, even when you make a mistake, the stakes are low. They're both good to eat.
code stuff
I've been using gqG
in vim to enforce a line width, which makes for a much
nicer looking markdown file. I like the idea of the markdown being readable
as-is. Dad once told me about the inside of a BMW engine being beautiful, that
that beauty either came from or lead to a higher level of craftsmanship. It
might be apocryphal, but I get the gist and I like the idea.
I wrote a small bash script for setting a timer. I've called it mm - minute timer. I'd like to add some finishing touchers, a nice readout, something aestheticly unique something that surfaces the progress. I'll crack my knuckles, open up the old visual design toolbox, in my mind.
I really like the idea of using bash scripts for heaps of stuff. It can take you so far, and you can avoid a lot of bloat. I read through Devine's December Adventure and was inspired by this bit about sharing photos. I'm a little closer to sharing my photos, again.
I still go through the thailand footage from time to time, thinking about making a video. I've never made a montage before, the prospect is a little daunting, but I think it'll be really cool.
listening to
Number One Girl Racer by Van Staden & Böhm
Another one influenced by James Clear
- Think about a lifestyle you want. What are the trade-offs? What are the sacrifices?