
and then the plants die


2 minute read

I finished playing "Long Live the Axe" today, this morning. I was stuck on a section that asked more dexterity than I could bring it - unless I chose to just blow through without seeking the health power ups. I gave in and blew through - it was worth it. I didn't need those power ups. I think the game suffered a little because I gave it such a drawn out play through, but overall it was still cool. I had good audio - lots of interesting foley.

I sent my visa application away last week, monday. I am very anxious to get it processed, I feel like I can't move on without knowing for sure. After two weeks I'll email and follow it up.

I've been reading Botany for Gardener by Brian Capon.

Many bamboos undergo mass flowering after 30 or more years, with all the plants of a species flwoering simultaneously regardless of geographic location or climate, and then the plants die.

This whole bloom project has been profoundly enriching. I see plants with greater understanding. I have a more robust model of the world in my head. I made a little demo of how far I've got: /bloom an animation of a plant-like line drawing growing

I don't know if learning to write better would help me think better. In all honesty that last sentence feels embarrasing in how profound I wanted it to be versus how contrived and shallow it reads. I think that's the strength of writing these journals though - it's very easy for thoughts to feel more true than they are. I need the humbling experience of seeing them for how they are. I don't know if it's helping me think any better though?

I'm going to talk to my boss about my travel plans this week.

䷑ I Ching hexagram 18
Work on What Has Been Spoiled
Has supreme success.
It furthers one to cross the great water.
Before the starting point, three days.
After the starting point, three days.

Changing lines

  1. Setting right what has been spoiled by the father.
    If there is a son,
    No blame rests upon the departed father.
    Danger. In the end good fortune.

  2. Setting right what has been spoiled by the mother.
    One must not be too persevering.

Transformed hexagram
䷕ I Ching hexagram 22
Grace has success.
In small matters
It is favorable to undertake something.

listening to

Galápagos by Francesco Fabris
