
signal initiation


2 minute read

I've made some wonderful progress on Bloom this weekend. It's not all bad being sick. It's essentially feature complete now - case in point:

I've taken this set of productions from [ABOP](The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants](

a screenshot from "The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants". Text reads: "Development controlled by a signal. In many plants, the switch from a vegetative to a flowering state is caused by a flower-inducing signal transported from the basal leaves towards the apex. The time of signal initiation is determined using one of the previously described methods, for example by counting. A sample L-system is given."

My setup:

const m = 2;
const d = 4;
const u = 1;
const ooo = { 
    axiom : "D(1)a(1)",
    productions : [
    `     a(i)  : i < ${m}    => a(i + 1)`,
    `     a(i)  : i = ${m}    => I[L]a(1)`,
    `     D(i)  : i < ${d}    => D(i + 1)`,
    `     D(i)  : i = ${d}    => S(1)`,
    `     S(i)  : i < ${u}    => S(i + 1)`,
    `     S(i)  : i = ${u}    => ε`,
    `S(i)<I     : i = ${u}    => IS(1)`,
    `S(i)<a(j)                => A`, // I changed this bit, I think they had it wrong in their example
    `     A                   => K`
    ignore: "",
    random: () => 0.1

And matched their output: image shows a series of strings produced by an L-System


There's still plenty to do, but I'm truly on the home stretch now.

I've put a reserve on a book at the library - On the Necessity of Gardening: An ABC of Art, Botany and Cultivation. I need some grist for the mill.

Drum lessons

I'm still thinking about how good the lesson was. I've been practicing the rudiments, my body is learning drums.

what else

The night has marched on ahead of me and it's bedtime now. I was hoping this entry would be some kind of thought gathering exercise but I think that ship has sailed

I don't feel very grounded, hopefully a good sleep will help. I talked with E the other day about learning to feel, to know what you're feeling and name it. Like a sommelier but for emotions. It could be a worthy endeavour.

Feeling inspired by the works of Baku Kashimoto, I'm so ready to be creative again.

listening to

Autumn Leaves - Chet Baker
