
not clear enough to be enjoyed


7 minute read

Thought it would be fun to write a little entry. A quick one. As it has been so long.

I've been busy, around and about, flat out. It's so easy to lose focus. I read out a WIP poem at A Voz Limpia poetry night. It was so embarrassing. I tortured myself about it all night. It's not a very good poem - there's something interesting in there but I can't get it out.

  1. reemplazame con un otro yo más viejo
  2. dejame aca en la cama
  3. dejame aca que estoy soñando
  4. Deja que el viejito resuelva mis problemas
  5. y en su absencia va a dejar otros problemas
  6. Cansado va a volver por la primera vez a la cama
  7. Te va a pedir algo
  8. Asi hacemos una rama de mi vida
  9. el tronco, mi familia
  10. mis problemas, las ojas
  11. vos y yo y yo y yo y yo
  12. hasta que te me negás

It's not smart enough to be pretentious, not clear enough to be enjoyed. It has an unnecessary bitter tone which I didn't intend. As I said to my brother

it feels so embarrassing to be bad at poetry

I got over this the next day, it doesn't matter if you read a bad poem out loud.

Mum and Dad came to visit and I spent lots of time with them. I'm glad they could get an idea of my life here.

life here

I've made some small progress with my lindinmeyer js implementation: I can go from

A<B => BA


    "predecessor": {
        "leftContext": [
                "value": "A",
                "variables": []
        "match": {
            "value": "B",
            "variables": []
        "condition": []
    "successor": [
            "value": "B",
            "variables": []
            "value": "A",
            "variables": []

or, for something a little more involved (albeit contrived)

"A(y)<B(o,u)>C(q) (0.44) => C(o * y * q)",


    "predecessor": {
        "leftContext": [
                "value": "A",
                "variables": [
        "match": {
            "value": "B",
            "variables": [
        "rightContext": [
                "value": "C",
                "variables": [
        "stochasticValue": "0.44",
        "condition": []
    "successor": [
            "value": "C",
            "variables": [
                        "type": "Variable",
                        "value": "o"
                        "type": "Expression",
                        "value": "*"
                        "type": "Variable",
                        "value": "y"
                        "type": "Expression",
                        "value": "*"
                        "type": "Variable",
                        "value": "q"

I'm not going to bother explaining it. That's for another time.

what else

I've felt rough lately, asthma(?) not gone yet. I think my tongue is larger than it should be? Nothing's easy.

I installed a terminal emulator and now I can get nice colour schemes for Neovim.

I had a nice quiet night tonight, broke through my creative block.

listening to

Freeman by Vince Staples
