
doesn't feel like a slog at all


3 minute read

I can't remember the last time I wrote in this? Just checked, only twelve days ago.

I've taken forever to recover, been very tired and still have a sore chest and throat. It's not all suffering though, I've been having a good time. We had a long weekend and I did a decent job of resting and doing things. I watched Scavengers Reign and for the most part really enjoyed it. The characters weren't as powerful as they could have been, but the world was so exciting.

Friday day time I read some of the Alejandra Pizarnick collection I've loaded onto my ereader, with my little spanish dictionary at my side. Here's an excerpt I liked:

  1. Words turned golden in the black sun of silence.
  2. XII
  3. But silence is certain. That’s why I write. I’m alone and I write.
  4. No, I’m not alone. There’s someone here who trembles.
  5. XIII
  6. Even if I say sun and moon and star I refer to things that happen to me.
  7. And what did I want?
  8. I wanted the perfect silence.
  9. That’s why I speak.

Later I cooked a good chicken soup. In the evening I went on a quick date at Milneys, a speakeasy style bar in Fitzroy, then I went to a Soda Stereo Tribute gig at The Boogie Bar, a rock and roll bar in Abbotsford.

I needed to rest all of Saturday to recover, but I did do plenty of work on bloom. I can now parse an axiom into tokens, construct an Abstract Syntax Tree, interpret that and put it all back together into a string. I've now started on the tougher process of turning the productions into structured AST's, or something similar. It never ends! Very satisfying though.

Sunday I had coffee with a friend then headed up to Brunswick to get some framing done at Readymade Frames. I took 2 paintings, a printed fabric piece, and a cool rock. I was a little nervous about the rock, but I was really inspired by "A New Cave". I don't pretend to say framing a rock is producing an artwork, but I think there is something interesting in the choosing and highlighting of it. The framer attending me was on board and supportive, and complimented the whole selection of works I'd brought up. This is what it means to be alive.

That evening I saw Astrid Sonne play at High Note. Good time. They had the heatpump on too hot, an easy mistake to make these cold days. Monday was a day of recovery, and I spent the last of it in my friends hot tub. It was dreamy.

I stopped writing this yesterday and I'm picking it up today. A little more insight on bloom - I think I ought to research some artists who have done plant like art that appeals to me. I'm thinking about Ayesha Greene's "I thought I heard you crying in the forest".

Has this project grown beyond what I expected? yes indeed, but it doesn't feel like a slog at all.

what else

I'm flying through The Paris Review copy I got, reading it on the tram.
Went to the doctors again about my sore chest - he recommended an asthma inhaler. I went home and realised I exagerated how long I've been experiencing these symptoms. Embarassing, but whatever. I'll give it a go.
I'm trialing a fitbit, I already want to hook into the API for more granular data on heart rate.

listening to

I've been listening to some great albums this last week or two:
