
publish resistant entry


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I'm back in Melbourne now. It's good to be back. The weather is good. It's been a flat out week and a half. A lot of fun though. I watched Dune 2, rode to the beach, ate sezchuan food, saw an exhibition, went to a birthday, stacked it on my bike, ate focaccia, caught up with a dear old friend, did band practice, and had my first portuguese lesson in a long time. You can do so much in a week and a half.

you can do a lot in a day

Before I left Bangkok I saw some really good artworks. I went to the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre and then to Bangkok Citycity.

At BACC I saw a great one that was a massive diagram of a rice production cycle, tied to the lives and situations of the people who also eat the rice: a diagram of the rice cycle a diagram of the rice cycle, a closer detail

and some biscuit molds made about living with floods in Thailand a photo of someone riding a large tricycle through floodwater, and a cartoon rendition a photo of a biscuit mold made from a cartoon of a person riding a trike through a flood, and beside it the final biscuit

in Citycity I saw

A New Cave

this one makes me think of Take My Breath Away by Dan Vho

a challenge

I've been thinking about how writing this journal is good, but it's not enough to just do it. Stress (in the broad sense) is necessary for growth, and I want to grow. I want to be able to talk about the art that I like with conviction. I want to risk overintellectualizing it, but also maybe bringing this joy to other people.

It reminds of this verse, 1 Corinthians 14 NIV:

If anyone speaks in a tongue ... someone must interpret.

It's taken well out of context, but here in this journal entry it speaks to the need for art criticism (interpretation) alongside art.

I've come back later to finish this entry

I don't know what spurred this thought, but I think it's the difference between plodding along as I am or taking broader, stronger strides.

I can imagine (though I doubt this is the case) that all the effort involved in bouldering and climbing in thailand made me reflect on the benefits of effort and struggle.

I've felt stagnant this week

It's been very social, and I've done some relaxing, but I feel my "endeavours" haven't seen a lick of activity. I'm imagining a situation and then criticising myself for not living it in. One day I'll learn. is rolling along, 15 comics left to hit 200. I think I'll do away with the current design and strip it down even further. I want it to have almost no css. Maybe the visual journal can have more "style"?

Once again

I didn't finish this entry. Will throw in the towel after this last burst. It's actually been a pretty good week.

6 days later and now I'll publish it (under the second date amendment, not today's)

listening to

