
within the limits of discrete or continuous scales


2 minute read

It's been a non-stop month. I've been having a lot of fun though, and I'm still feeling pretty good about things. I'm still gymming. I went on a day hike in the weekend - finally! Got sunburnt pretty bad. The sun loves my skin too fiercely. I'd like to get one of those travel towels - it'd be good for the gym, and it's easier to pack than a full one. Some purchases can help, but it pays to be wise. I'm glad I wait a long time before buying anything.

I wait a long time before buying anything

I finally bought a mechanical keyboard. I'm pretty happy with it. It feels good, it looks good. I miss the keys sometimes, but that's to be expected. keychron k6, wireless, aluminium frame. I was trying to be careful not to let myself be too price defensive - I've decided to claim it back on my tax return. At the same time I found the higher price keyboards weren't providing anything I really wanted. One of them had a knob you could set to do whatever you wanted (within the limits of discrete or continuous scales on a computer.) I don't think I need that, and it feels superflous.


I do most of my shopping by feel. I do a lot of research, but ultimately let the type 1 thinking do the decision making. I'd like to think I'm somehow training it when I'm researching. Dreams are free (?)

Dreams are free

I downloaded a weightloss app and paid $1 for a 2 week premium trial. I cancelled my subscription after a couple of days. It had me logging my food and then would show me an "analysis" of the days diet. It felt bad, and punishing. It never said there were "bad" foods, just "red", "orange" and "green" coded foods. A lazy attempt to remove guilt ridden pious language with a child's cypher. I don't doubt that it's worked for some people, but I'm not interested. Energy density is worth thinking about though, and I do want to replace some of my favourite snacks with something a little watery. It's reasonable to believe that in a society of abundance I don't need to be eating so much energy dense food. I'm not going for long hikes (yet). Not sure where this leaves re. weight loss but who cares. I'm focussing on going to the gym 4 days a week and eating food that helps me with the gym.

what else

I've got a zinefest half half table coming up. My plan is to do a potato stamp zine, and to explore more of the themes of RIPE with it. Maybe not sooo speculative fiction, more nonsense or surrealism. We have our "paths towards form" creative critique circle coming up this friday - I'll work these evenings to have something ready.

I refactored the horse forge recently - now it lets me have a few drafts on the go. It's not perfect. So don't let anyone tell you it is.

There's much more to say, there's always more to say!

listening to

Dionne (feat. Justin Vernon) - The Japanese House
