
someone to choose when and how


3 minute read

I had a vision of where it's got next to no css. Completely stripped back, simple, no header or anything. It was sublime. I might give it a go.

I've been thinking about the "focus on one thing quote" mostly in relation to, and it really has only worked out as me thinking about a lot. This isn't a bad thing, though it ought to move into action.

ought to move

This quote on by Agnes Callard - "Agnes Callard’s Socratic framing of knowledge" was a breath of fresh air. The whole thing is worth a read, here's a tiny excerpt:

And I think the truth is that I do not know any of them. I believe them, and I also believe the opposite. Some of my beliefs are more presentable to other people; so I am more to you if I say, “yeah I know I should spend more time with my kids” than if I say “I have a profound need to escape my kids”.


The way I am is that I see a bunch of conflicts, and I don’t know how to resolve them, and that’s just my ignorance. If I had knowledge, I would know how to resolve them. But what I at least try to do is not be under the illusion that I have the knowledge already.

I love to have that named so clearly, the conflict of "I know x but I do y". It's like "should" is bordering on thought-terminating cliche, removing responsibility to delve deeper into a problem because the speaker "knows" the correct answer. "I should eat healthier" hides "I don't understand my body's needs or the way I eat". "I should reply faster" hides "I find instant messaging draining in ways I can't explain"

I can't explain

I've been listening to a lot of good music lately. It's been a real treat. I don't want to miss it with the slowness of my "listening to" headings, so here's a list:

These are all the ones I had written down - there's been plenty more listening. I listen to a lot of DJ sets and I LOVE it, but there sure is a lot of good stuff that passes me by as it washes over me. It's like hearing good music on the radio. Most of it is from online radio stations who post sets by different hosts. When I say DJ sets this is also what I am referring to. I used to think DJs just played music to dance to but over the last few years I've been understanding a lot more about what a DJ does and how broad the idea and practice is. Where ever there is recorded music there is someone to choose when and how to play it.

what else

I've been bombarded with algorithm suggestions for charred cabbage and miso butter with whipped tofu and in this case I'll acquiesce. I've already got the ingredients, I'll be making it tomorrow. Fingers are crossed, prayers sent.

listening to

ALGO_RANDOM://:miss35mmmitai-girlytrash-latincor/ed-mixcitowo.wav - a postclub latincore mix by 35mmmitai
