
degree of independence


2 minute read

Almost in response to my last questions, I'm in christchurch now and feeling very peaceful. A degree of independence has returned, something that, despite their best intentions, parents have a way of removing. I'm taking this day to plan things a little for my time in christchurch, and to relax and reflect on my life.

relax and reflect

I talked to a friend last weekend about being disorganised and bad with routines, and how I fear that's holding me back from having relationships. He made a good point that it doesn't have to, and you can meet people who are also that type of disorganised, or sympathetic to it. I think there is a way for me to live a good life - I'm not maladapted in general, just to a particular system. Being back in NZ I'm seeing a lot more friends who's lives look more like mine - Melbourne has felt strange with the amount of people I've met whose lives are so clean and structured. It's easy to forget that there are other ways to live.

other ways to live

I finally feel like I'm on holiday, a visitor in another world. I'm seeing my long distance friends and seeing how their lives have changed, continue to change. It feels like asking everyone what they've ordered before choosing from the menu yourself.

I'm very excited to get back to Melbourne and pull in a little. Get rid of things, have a routine, and save a lot of money 🤞. The eternal dream.

I'll finally take a hard look at my expenses, and put together a financial plan. Maybe even invest money this time? Maybe, maybe.

I'm getting older, and I'm outgrowing things, and I'm also coming back to things that I've tried before. An ever climbing spiral staircase (or descending?) Jacob's ladder goes both ways. Tomorrow will be the same.

Better put it somewhere

I want to note down an idea I had for the Tactile Communication scifi story I'm working on (name as of yet undecided). Instead of being a wee snapshot, what if it followed the progression of the technology over years? Mirroring the progress of smart phones, or even screens? You see smaller low res devices become replace with smooth, fully reactive versions. Designs change to fit the hand better, or follow fashion trends.

another idea

I wonder if anyone has made a raycast timekeeping/task tracking extension?

listening to

Trans-Europe Express - Kraftwerk


I thought today about trying to link the questions to what I've been writing about in the entry.