
Held lightly, tenderly


1 minute read

I'll try to keep this quick, as I ought to sleep. I've been staying up a little late, and I only suffer when I don't sleep enough.

I've been busy with work - beyond that, I've felt busy with everything. I haven't done much reflection, but I feel myself on the precipice of it. There are ideas bubbling about inside me.

I reread a few old entries - I liked the accidental emphasis on the small information object in my scifi idea. It could be a utopia - not more effective, but more human. Little talismans. Held lightly, tenderly. You can train to use them. I think that's something I miss with phones - they're maybe too intuitive. What if you had to have lessons? What if they were like instruments?

Been thinking again about chatgpt, and ai. I could probably make some progress on tasks at work if I employed it.

I feel a little stuck in the moment - not present, but bogged down. I need to think forwards, a little further.

Today I worked, struggled. I got dinner with my brother and family in the evening at a local place - The Bowling Club - an affordable food restaurant. $4 for a meal, unheard of anywhere else in town. It feels radical, I wonder if it will last? I imagine the biggest struggle could be logistics - it can't be any worse than mcdonalds for conditions and rush, and probably better.

probably better

I haven't been publishing much, but I have been writing little ones, and happy with them. I'd like to do a little run over the todo list, update some pieces.

Another idea I just had in the bathroom: a job quit list. What conditions do I need to meet to quit my job? Maybe not many.

I have what feels like a bunch of personal tasks to do, though it may not be that many. Will sit down tomorrow and write them out.

Short one today, they can't all be amazing.

listening to

The Difference - Flume and Toro y Moi
