
What have I noticed?


3 minute read

I recently saw a project (I since can't find it) where someone had sent in tiny diary entries as personal columns in a newspaper. They were delightful, something along the lines of:

May 7. Feeling low. Saw M in the evening. May 10. Lasagna for dinner. The world is alive.

Not quite that, but that's the energy.

Here's what I've been doing the last few days.


I wrote a folder poem

unison 📂 $ tree Louis/response/
├── And
│   └── you
│       ├── _
│       │   ├── couldnt-see-it-as-it-happened.txt
│       │   ├── now-you-squint-through-these-papers-youve-kept.txt
│       │   └── trying-to-make-out-the-shape-of-something-you-once-were.txt
│       ├── can
│       │   └── barely
│       │       └── know
│       │           └── the-past.txt
│       ├── cant
│       │   ├── know
│       │   │   └── the-future.txt
│       │   └── save
│       │       └── it-all.txt
│       ├── have-to
│       │   └── save
│       │       └── something.txt
│       └── will
│           ├── forget-why
│           │   ├── these-things-mattered.txt
│           │   └── you
│           │       └── saved-them
│           │           └── at-all.txt
│           └── wish-youd-saved
│               ├── in
│               │   └── the-future
│               └── something.txt
└── Maybe
    └── you
        ├── keep-them-longer
        │   └── they-remind
        │       └── you
        │           └── of-the-time
        │               └── you
        │                   ├── forgot
        │                   │   └── save
        │                   │       └── something.txt
        │                   └── tried-to-remember.txt
        └── show-them-to-someone-else
            └── and-they-become-debris-for-a-new-explosion.txt

28 directories, 14 files

Listening to

Ring Of Past - Men I Trust
