
a useable order


1 minute read

Yesterday I complained about being exhausted. Today I know, or believe, that it's because I'm a bit unwell.

I've spent my whole evening organising the pantry, and confining it to one shelf.

My private life at the moment is almost entirely occupied by trying to enforce useable order.

My work life feels the same. I have an array of tasks to do, and no decent way to manage doing them. This is an ongoing issue, and hard to understand. Some of the tasks are so vague - Look into x, work on y. Another wringer I could write, or a variation on the small project wringer, could be a way to break down tasks into their smallest possible units. Atomic units? I can hear James Clear's heart beating faster.

I will come back to my bullet journal more daily. Maybe browse about for inspiration. I think I'll convert my large work notepad to a bullet journal esque thing too, and maybe splash out on a nicer one. I feel like it takes me so long to do anything, and everything costs money. I can't leave the house without spending at least $40.

I'm writing a cli for the optimizely and I think I'm going to start experimenting with ChatGPT to do it.

listening to

Requinha (11/6/23) - CBR
