
more than I already do


2 minute read

We've got off the daily habit of writing purely by having zero time to write in the last couple of days. It feels like a bit of a problem, I ought to have at least a few moments between appointments to write a bit. This is an exercise for myself to set boundaries.

I'm doing well, all things considered. Work is exciting, still new and fresh. I'm not struggling too much with vegetarian eating, but I had meat last night and my shits today are far more normal. I'll need to be serious about what I choose so I don't ruin my guts more than I already do.

Work is exciting

I'm writing a script in ruby to pull all the information I want from the optimizely api. I tried out the optimizely cli tool but it was a bit broken and I found it just didn't work. I installed it on a docker container, maybe there's some dependencies it needs that I should have installed? I'm only realising this now as I type it out. Oh well. I do like the idea of doing what I can with what I have, trying to keep it all as lean as possible.

as lean as possible

I really want a solid workout routine, something regular. Working a regular job makes it feel possible to build a habit. I've got the "atomic habits" audio book in my audible library, I'll give it a listen and see how it goes. Maybe I'll do his email newsletter again too, 30 days to better habits. Nothing wrong with returning to something again.

what else

I've had a busy week, been doing a lot. Life drawing, nights out, catch-ups, work, cooking.

The weather was absolute beautiful today. Went for a little boulder by the river, then had a beer at a rooftop bar in richmond with a friend. Life can be a gem.

I don't feel like I've got very much interesting to say at the moment, but maybe soon. I'm caught up in the excitement of being alive. Hallozeen fest coming up in a few months.


To start from nothing and make almost nothing. The dream of a perfect content management system, a blank slate, a design process that barely creates or destroys but merely deploys the engine of a discourse, with a little waste heat. Still, it should look like something, glimmer in the light.

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