
want to make a list


1 minute read

I have a list in my mind, growing and growing. My best idea right now is to write everything onto my whiteboard, get a picture of it, then go from there. I have so many thoughts, so many ideas, so many desires. I don't know how to deal with so much.

I'm really keen to make more comics, I need to finish off the latest iteration. I am about to start reading another essay by Sheila Heti, A Common Seagull

A Common Seagull an essay about death, mourning, the artist Pierre Bonnard, and how to make a vital life out of repetitions and sameness, rather than newness and adventure. Published in December 2019. Delivered at the Tate Modern in Britain in March 2018.

"how to make a vital life out of repetitions and sameness" really appeals to the goals of, I hope to find inspiration in it. I've written down the tasks for RH on my whiteboard, hoping that externalising them will help me make progress on them.

I am really tired today, I need to remember to get sleep in. It is easy to forget, after what felt like a lifetime away, that my life here requires rythm and rest, and that 8 hours of the day will be carved out for work. I will do what I can to reduce those hours, to learn how to focus on a task and in doing so speed up my work and create more opportunity for other things. I have so many desires.

I want to

This list could go on.

I have things I want to buy too

Another list, I want

Not so much then, for now.

listening to

Metallica-BitchMode by hugoorodd
