
why sure yet not just


4 minute read

Segun como viví las semanas pasadas, esto registro escribo un poco en ingles y un poco en castellano. If you're reading this through a translation program and this causes issues, you have my apologies.

It's been almost three weeks since my last entry. 20 days laden with the fruit of human experience. Once you stop writing your daily journal daily lord knows it's hard to pick it back up.

I've still managed to keep a small record of what I've been upto, in my bullet journal.

Para que grabo mis experiencias? En la canción "What Sarah Said" Ben Gibbard dice que

nuestros recuerdos dependen de una cámara defectuosa en nuestra mente

Y no sé, supongo que quiero preservar unas cosas que capaz no mantenga mi cerebro despues de tanta vuelta.

I've also used poetry lately to understand and communicate some stuff, and I remembered that the work is ongoing. My ability to both know and communicate how I feel is either innately sparse or I lost touch with myself at some point between "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" and "lean not unto thine own understanding.".

Having quotes and full poems included here, in this journal, helped a lot. I've got more to put in from things I've been reading lately. I've had more experiences I want to include.

Estoy cansado y es tarde. Tengo miedo que si dejo de escribir ahora no voy a re-empezar, que puedo hacer?

I do not even feel like I've reached the good part, the part of the writing where I really begin to feel!

I set out writing this entry to cover the last 3 weeks, but I didn't realise how much each week would take. I'll note this in my bullet journal, and keep trying to catch up in the days ahead. I think I can.

I am actually travelling solo now, and have genuinely got more time to myself, and better conditions to write in.

The next few weeks to cover get really exciting.

what else?

Quería ser libre. Bueno. Qué concepto de mierda: la libertad: ¿Ser libre al final es ser un victimario sin culpa?”

I've been thinking a lot the last day about why I stopped updating, and how I can start again. I think the comic creation tool (forge) should be a standalone js app, hosted on the site. It exports through clipboard or download a csv file containing a r.h comic. This way you could use any browser, so long as you can later pass the file to the other tools. I'm going to change the spec for a r.h file too.


  1. The man I love and I are at sea in a small boat.
  2. We're in rough waters and there is a sense of
  3. unease. I look towards the horizon and see
  4. an immense, towering wave gathering force
  5. in the distance. Very soon it will reach our
  6. boat, and I know it will obliterate us. I turn
  7. to my beloved and embrace him desperately,
  8. telling him how much he has meant to me and
  9. how grateful I am for every minute we have
  10. spent together, even for these last painful but
  11. infinitely precious seconds, but he fails to
  12. appreciate the seriousness of the moment.
Emily Berry (2022)

listening to

Youtube keeps recomending me HÖR live recorded sets, here's a good one by argentinian DJ Sol Ortega
