
I watch the simpsons in spanish now


4 minute read

Another plane ride entry. I'm tired, will try to get some more sleep after I write the first half of this, and after I finish my current movie.

I'm watching Decision to Leave, a korean drama/mystery/romance. It's good, but unfortunately over 2 hours. I wish directors would calm down a little, 2 hours is such a long time.

had a good cry

"They're in hospital and recieving surgery soon" is so rarely a happy sentence, but there are some sentences it can follow that make it sound like music. It is hard to deliver bad news over messenger. It's worse, I believe, to send it in separate messages. The time between each message can be measured in palpations.

I'm being deliberately vague. I don't want to put something quite this personal in a public journal, in detail, so I wont.

what else

My head's been pretty empty apart from that.

We all got obsessed with Liminal Spaces a while ago. Dr Seuss did a great job of distilling them in his landscapes (and the famous waiting place) in "Oh The Places You'll Go".

I think they do something to your mind, they put it into more of a low energy mode.

Planes and airports have been scientifically crafted to be as liminal as possible. I can't remember where I read it but someone wrote an article about airports keeping the air temperature at a certain specific level just a degree above what might otherwise send us to sleep. With such distance from the article that could well be a complete lie but until I get back on wifi that's as close as we're getting. The point is, it feels like everywhere. It feels like a dream.

I miss that I haven't done as much reading on this trip so far, I've fallen asleep pretty quickly each time and had very little time free time inbetween each flight. I tried to read while waiting on the flight to Houston but I fell asleep, despite my urgent efforts to stay awake for fear of missing important flight details. There is so much out of your hands in air travel that the things you do have to do yourself feel that much more important. Okay I'm drifting off again, will try for some more sleep and then, probably, finish this entry in Buenos Aires, at L's house.

forgot to finish it at Lorenzos place, will just pick up again today for one mega post

I arrived around 10:45 at L's apartment and went out for a beer and lunch with L's girlfriend B, and her friend S. Later we came home and L slowcooked meat with creamy potatoes. A typical Argentinian meal time, we ate at 11:30pm. I forget how everything here happens much later at night, I'm looking forward to it now. Maybe I'll discover my true routine hours.

This morning I slept in then mucked about the apartment, unpacking a few things then repacking them. Around 2:00 I had a milanesa and some leftover potatoes, then at 3:00 I had a nap.

After the nap I got up to keep doing the pack/unpack and to plan a wee outing. I sat down on the couch and almost immediately fell asleep. I briefly woke up and took myself to bed, where I slept for another 2 hours. I guess I haven't beaten jet lag just yet.

L asked me to pop out and grab some chicken, I was nervous going for my first solo walk and purchase but I came out okay. Fortune favours the bold, practice doing things that are hard etc. I think there may be something to the whole "every day do something that makes you uncomfortable" mantra. Confidence to try something new is a good skill to have in your back pocket.

I bought a sim card too, I'll set it up tonight.

hablo y hablo y hablo

I can feel my spanish getting better and better. It's hard, whenever I try to say something complex I get all wrapped up in what I'm trying to say. B says I probably don't need lessons, just more group practice. I'll see, I think a teacher might help to force me into some very complex sentences. I'll watch lots more things in spanish too, series and movies. I watch the simpsons in spanish now.

B's friend S works with a animation and motion graphics studio, Mooco. Very cool stuff, I feel cool for having met her. I showed them both, I don't know if it lands so well if you don't speak english though. I also showed them speach borts, I think I'll look into putting more illustration up somewhere. Maybe actually doing more illustration? I'm lazy now but maybe tomorrow or the next day I'll upload my single "hourly comic" from wednesday.

listening to

Vegyn - Debold
