
longer than I expected


1 minute read

Big goals, small success.

I listed a few things yesterday, he're he'are here's the ones I actually did:

Finish Do some focussed hours on a prototype of Dog Ate My Homework (not "designed", but functional)

I actually did get a lot done here, it was awesome. I've got all the functionality of the game set, now I need to add:

Then I need to do some actual graphic design.

I had a big issue using preact-router and preact/hooks, the router was causing it to lose context some how. It took me over an hour to figure that out, and put me right on edge. I need to start expecting tech issues in everything, at least for the foreseable future until I get more comfortable with the tech stacks I'm working with.

It made me angry at all the complexity we introduce to our programs, and added to a feeling that I'm making things far more complex than they need to be. It's okay though, now that I got it all working I feel better about it. I am adding more complexity, but only in the interest of scalability and testability.

I've got 3 files for the Dog Ate My Homework game

Work on character designs and scenes for RIPE.

I did a teeny tiny bit of sketching.

Taking a break from the journal, I'll come back to it after lunch.

I spent a lot longer away from it than I expected

See you tomorrow.