
woops a daisy


2 minute read

Another hot day in Melbourne. Yesterday was mild.



talking on the phone

Talking on the phone I managed to distill an idea I've had about tourism. It's still no thesis, but it's approaching a coherent thought:

Traveling somewhere new for a reason - study, work, research, art etc - is the cake, and tourist attractions are the icing on the cake. I think the hyper-attractions of mass tourism is the cultural version of making the cake all icing. Travelling somewhere to gawk at stuff. "Travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer" is not true, it doesn't have any inherent value now that you can jump on a plane and be anywhere in the world within 48 hours. "Travel is a thing you can buy".

approaching a coherent thought

Lately I've felt like I'm just pouring words out into it, not coming to any real conclusions. If I force myself to write down concise coherent thoughts, this might encourage me to have more of them. This was (I think) one of the original goals of this journal, and I'd like to pull myself back on track.

I read Robin Sloane's monthly newsletter this morning. I like newsletters that bring something new and also comment on it - two little gifts bundled together.

It reminds of another idea I had about story telling (that no doubt many others have had too)(and here I am articulating it in the hope of making it coherent):

One thing presented is about one thing. Two things presented together are about three things, as the relationship between the two becomes a third context. You get an extra whole thing just by introducing one other element.

By itself it's no revolutionary concept, but being aware of it feels like another little tool in my belt for creating engaging art and writing.

I'm breaking this into small paragraphs because Sloane does that in his newsletter and it makes it easier to read and, as I'm learning, easier to write.

the algorithmic beauty of cowboys

I started reading The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants and immediately pillaged it to make a cowboy comic.

forgot to post this one!

My bad.

listening to

the waves on the beach
