
still and yet


2 minute read

Little done on any of my "jobs", but I had a good day. It's normal for the year to start slow.

coffee with a friend

For the first time in a long time I went out for coffee with a new friend. It's almost like going on a date:

You go into detail to seem real and interesting - but not too much - don't want to scare anyone away, or run out of gas. Usability expert Jakob Nielsen defines progressive disclosure as a technique that “defers advanced or rarely used features to a secondary screen, making applications easier to learn and less error-prone.”

We met through a friend at a couple of arts events, and bonded over a shared interest in G_d. It was lovely to talk about our past religious experiences and our interests and ideas around religion, tradition and spirituality.

I think the dichotomy between being "religious" and "non-religious" leads people to believe they don't hold any religious-like beliefs, when I think the truth is that religousity is a fundamental part of human behaviour. We can never know the world as it truly is, so we reduce it into maps and models, rules and systems we can hold in our heads or put down on paper. Then we act according to those reductions.

Later we got dinner at an israeli place. I haven't haved a falafel Pita in a long time, it was really nice. The tahini was creamy and cut through by sharp tangy pickle, the meaty falafels filled out the soft warm pita.

When I got home I made another Pav - hoping it turns out as good as the last one.

poetry plans

I'm planning on biking (or driving) to the north melbourne library to pick up Walking to Martha's Vineyard by Franz Wright. I'll return some books while I'm at it.

The ingredients gathered, a few small red tufts of the dream spoor per sheaf of Demeter’s blonde wheat, reaped in mourning, in silence, ground up with the pollen and mixed into white wine and honey. These stored forms of light taken under the ground. Taken by mouth. - from Bees of Eleusis by Franz Wright

I don't fully understand, still and yet, how the markdown parser in goldmark works. I will soon enough, and then I'll write my poetry extension and finally make a tutorial for it, for my impending dev blog.

what about today?

Today I'm planning on reveiwing the things I want to do and running them through the small project wringer until I come away with things to actually work on. I'll use my white board, and probably Notion. It's time for a reveiw of Project Analysis, the Notion page I started using for project tracking. Now that I use a bullet journal (and understand my own working process a little more) I think I can stand a rehaul of this old, outdated system.

A bunch of guys are coming round today and we're gonna play smash brothers and eat snacks, so that will probably take a most of my day, but it'll be good at least to make a start.

listening to

History Will Absolve Me by billy woods
