
to understand and resolve


2 minute read

The last few entries have ended with a desire to "return to baseline", or for "some kind of peace". Today I'll address this, in an attempt to understand it and in doing so resolve it.

I think it comes from too much socialising, and a disrupted sleep schedule. I'm relentlessly social, and this often takes a toll on my inner peace. I rush about seeing people and my inner well runs dry. I need equal time to myself, drinking deep from my interests and passions. It reminds me of my psychologists thoughts on "feeling like I belong" being necessary to mental well being, and the ways I've found to cultivate that sense.

What I would really like to do is find ways to not have a social commitments be such a drain on my energy. I find it so easy to run myself into the ground with catchups, parties and dinners that I put all my other things off. It's not a big mystery, but hard to see when I'm in it. Even today I have pending tasks to squeeze around a bigger appointment - a games night.

The flipside is to find ways for my personal life to be less demanding. Seeing friends is a huge part of my raison d'être and I get so much out of it. I think it's healthy and important to see friends, and to see them often. I could reduce my belongings, reduce my personal commitments, or (the ever elusive) have solid routines that meet my needs.

what in all my months off do I know of cartoons?

Now that I'm on a bit of a roll for listing my trappings I'd to air another: How have I been 'free' from work for months now and haven't got an impressive and rich portfolio of cartoons and projects to show for it? I haven't done nothing, but freeing up 8 hours a day 5 days a week must surely be more than what I've got?

Except it's not, because what I've got is what I've got.

I mustn't fall into the trap of despair.

Recognising the difference between my expectations and my outcomes is a gift, and in knowing I can "attempt to understand it and in doing so resolve it". Writing the paragraphs above helped me come to terms with my social and emotional stress, I believe I can do the same with my creative frustrations.

okay that's enough for now

I finished The Lathe of Heaven recently, will write about it soon. I'm going to go bouldering down in burnley now.

listening to

