
insanely short things


2 minute read

I'm writing this later in the day, though I'm not entirely sure why. A little distracted today, working on keeping my focus. I did a lot of work last night brainstorming for my sci-fi thing, in the hard stage now where I both don't have anything concrete and also doubt my ability to deliver. I've seen this happen with my other things this year, I'm not too worried.

I've got a license conversion appointment coming up tomorrow, I've got all the paperwork ready. I was thinking of driving out, but I'm 50/50. It's a 45min drive, idk if I want to go all that way. I've just checked the train route, it's not too much longer and I can read on the way, so I'll do that.

back to the fruit idea, and general thoughts

I've mapped out some of the concepts around it, and I've got a rough idea of characters, setting and theme.

a whiteboard with a concept map around 'a fruit' and some little drawings

I also know what, roughly, I want the medium to be: Animated, 3D/2.5D, sound too. After writing this I'm going to push it through the small project wringer, cutting it down as much as possible.

the small project wringer

I also want to bring my first draft of this to the creative meeting tonight. I've got a few resources to draw on:

For the great doesn’t happen through impulse alone, and is a succession of little things that are brought together. - Vincent Van Gogh in a letter to his brother Theo, found thanks to Quote Investigator

La contrainte est l’énoncé d’une énigme ; le texte est une réponse, ou plutôt une des réponses, car en général il y en a plusieurs possibles. Une contrainte oulipienne doit pouvoir servir à d’autres, ce qui implique des exigences de clarté de l’énoncé (formalisation). La contrainte est altruiste
(Translated with google translate) The constraint is the statement of a riddle; the text is an answer, or rather one of the answers, because in general there are several possible ones. An Oulipian constraint must be able to serve others, which implies requirements for clarity of the statement (formalization). Constraint is altruistic. - Jacques Jouet, Avec les contraintes (et aussi sans) in Bénabou, Jouet, Mathews et Roubaud, Un art simple et tout d’exécution, Circé, 2001, p. 33-34., found on the french language wikipedia page for Littérature potentielle

I always suggest this when people say "I want to do this, I want to do that. I want to write this, I want to write songs, write movies and dadada ... It was too many moving parts." You have to start with insanely short things. And you learn about the process because you get to everything.Learning, instant learning. And then you gradually increase the length from there. - paraphrased from a Bill Wurtz interview

Original clip:
Die song:

I'll write an introduction with my frustrations, I'll detail my inspirations, then I'll detail my constraints. I'll throw in something about projects becoming similar to Tim Morton's Hyper-Objects, "objects so massively distributed in time and space as to transcend localization".

what else

I went to Ash's place yesterday and spent ages in the spa, it was idyllic. Complete relaxation.

listening to

Sleepwalker in the garden by Josephine’ Soundscapes
