
the laziness remains


1 minute read

code test feed back

I got feedback on my code test the other day, here's my takeaway notes:

They want me back for another interview, exciting! They wanted one tonight but I said I wasn't available. I'd like a little more time to prepare, I feel quite nervous. I'd also like to apply for some more jobs, so I don't feel desperate.


I've written up the current verbcard wireframe using tailwind - it's a little off but I'm surprised how close I managed to get.

Here's the wireframe: wireframe design for a verb conjugation table

Here's the actual thing: verb conjugation table for the word "falar"

It's a little tighter on the spacing, that was trying (and failing) to accomodate this: verb conjugation table for "pechinchar", the word is too long and the layout is broken

The next steps are:

bad news

The ipod doesn't work :(

The battery is shot, probably hasn't been used in a long time. I'm thinking of trying to fix it, I think a friend has a soldering iron I might be able to use. All I need to do is get a new battery. The official ones are expensive, I think I'll try a generic one. I don't know much about this stuff, but I do know enough about pattern recognition to give it a go.

listening to

Flume covers Bag Raiders 'Shooting Stars' Ft. Toro y Moi for Like A Version
