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1 minute read

2 points to cover

the first one

the argentinian flag

Other stuff

Staying up late affects my sleep, which in turn affects my mood. Self esteem is not great today, feeling self concious about my body and my achievements.

I don't like this style of writing , the text-dump of where I'm at. Part of this journal is keeping an accurate record, so it's a necessary evil, for now. Poetic, specific words might help? Perhaps just more structure and rhythm.

Javier Bórquez made this tool to visualise sentence rhythm. Now that I've done 122 posts I think it's time to think about improving my writing. The problem used to be writing at all. Now we've got a new challenge. Rhythm, clarity, structure, brevity, all things that can lift these journal entries into a new world of expression and practice. I keep testing this paragraph in the tool listed above and let me tell you: It is punishing.

side note: It'd be cool to build that feature right into an a writing app, maybe I could mod Left? Or get more into vim and make a plugin for Neovim?

what's that smell

I didn't get round to mentioning the absolutely lovely gift I got from my friends as a late birthday present: The Le Labo discovery set. It's the entire Le Labo collection as little testers, I can sample them all then choose one to get a 50ml bottle of. I'm going to do a smelling evening one night this week.

last of all

My iPod shuffle arrived. Was it worth it? $40 isn't so much these days. I'm charging it now. Excited to move ahead on my "screen free" evenings and see what joys lie hidden beyond constant visual stimulation and algorithmic content aggregation.

listening to

my 39 minute piss - hotemogf (Chia Amisola)
