
Hard to divine, hard to forget.


2 minute read

I'm tired today, woke up late and went to the gallery. I don't feel like writing a whole lot, but I don't want to miss 2 days in a row. I'm tired, I suspect, because I was late to bed on friday night, and up early on saturday.


I saw a performance at Bus Projects/West Space, then hung out and attended the Collingwood yards christmas party. Later we saw some Sound/Noise art performances, and finished the night with a beer and an HSP.

At the yards I had a pizza that was absolutely fantastic and I've already made it myself, and will do so again. Brussel Sprouts shredded, yellow cherry tomatoes, mozzarella, olive oil and salt. The brussel sprouts were unreal, unexpected and highly recommended.

what next

watched another argentina worldcup game, ✧・゚: ✧・゚: salimos campeones otra vez :・゚✧:・゚✧ now we're in the semifinals, playing against Croatia

sound art

The sound art was cool. My sonic tastes have opened up a lot over the last 10 years, yet it's mostly within my own private experiences. Headphones on, streaming online. It's nice to see something live, to see real people making things. Again today at Bus Projects there was an exhibition activation going on with synthesisers and underwater microphones. There were wires leading into blocks of ice, and if you grabbed the other wire and finished the circuit by touching the ice then it would trigger a synthesiser. Really fun activation, pleasant and delightful. Sound wise, a little overwhelming. They also put a mic in some water and bubbled dry ice in it, capturing the gurgling. Last thing to note, there were some brass chimes and they sounded like heaven.

feeling a little scattered.

It is what it is. It's nearly 9:30 here, I'm going to close my laptop and spend the last hour or so reading. Keen to try this week to do a few days in a row with no screens after 9:00.

Distracted myself looking at ipod shuffles for 10 min, I might lock it in. I'll wait until tomorrow, see if it still feels like a good move. The idea is to have something with no screen, I'd still like to listen to music in the evenings.

Path towards form

We're approaching another creative meeting with my clever friends, I'm going to have a think about what I want to bring. I've done a lot since our last once, but I want to bring a WIP to show. I've mentioned to friends the desire to make a sci-fi cartoon, so I might give that a go.

what else?

At the sound event they had an amazing dip, pumpkin I think? Really rich, with a little ginger? Or perhaps orange? Hard to divine, hard to forget.

listening to

Vacuum (one of the performers on friday)
