
all day forever


2 minute read

As predicted, I feel much better after a good sleep! I mucked about a little this morning, but as I actually got up on time it's still not too late in the morning!

I woke up, did a slow workout, made porridge and read some tech newsletters. I don't take in a whole lot reading these, it's mostly just to get an idea about what's being talked about and keep across trivial developments in frameworks.

Now I'm writing my journal, trying to organise my thoughts for the day.

thoughts for the day

I'm going to apply for one job. Not really feeling super into it, but it's good to keep sending out the applications. One day I'll really need to, and I'll be glad I kept the practice up.

Apart from that, I'll timeblock out my time and see what I can tick off today. I've been thinking about the small manifesto I keep going on about, and how I could apply this thinking to larger tasks too - breaking them up into smaller pieces until I have things I can knock out in a couple of hours. It will affect the way things get made, and the feel of projects, but better to deal with that and actually finish them. I can always evaluate it again later.

Here are the tasks on my mind:

The flight booking is a real time sink, it stresses me out and I triple think everything. I found some flights last night, so I think today I'll lock them in. You can think about things all day forever, doing is what matters.

I won't get close to doing everything on the list, probably, but it's good to externalise it none the less.

what else?

I bought some wholemeal bread yesterday, I think I'll try to make a sourdough loaf with that today. I'd like to understand how the sourdough process works, so I know what I can change in recipes and what should stay the same.

listening to

An interview with Dan Berry
