
it appears I wasnt


2 minute read

Feeling better today, a did a lot over the last 48 hours.

have a boogie

Yesterday I got out of the house for a bike ride, picking up some birthday presents for my friend Bre. The sun was out and I felt amazing, being out of the house really works wonders for my mental health. I picked up a bag of yerba mate, then went to bunnings and got a peace lily (and some hex keys for myself, for working on my bike).

I came home after that and mucked about, not sure what I was actually doing. I wish I'd been logging my time, but it appears I wasn't.

Later Bre came round and we hung out for a while, chatting away and sipping wine. Later still I convince Bre to come to a gig with me: Phoebe Go's ep launch. I didn't know Phoebe Go very well, but I'm a big fan of one of the opening acts - Juice Webster. It was an awesome gig, Bre left after the first 2 acts but I managed to convince Tom to come join me, and we stayed out after for a few more drinks.

It was good to still do something. Having cancelled my birthday party I was a little sad to not have a fun night ahead, so landing the gig was a great treat.

what else

I finished my [birthday podcast episode] for my brother (, and I'm very proud of it. A highlight was learning how to use a vocoder plugin in abelton, every time I make one of these podcasts I learn something new.

I learn somethign new

On top of the vocoder fun I learnt about Signed Distance functions, which made the graphics for the page easier to code.

The words are coming slow I'm afraid. It's a shame because I had a real blast the last 2 days, but sometimes things just won't make it to the journal.

what else, else

It probably belongs to tomorrow's entry but I can't help myself: I baked another sourdough and it came out really well. Weirdly, I made the dough then left it to autolyse, then Bre arrived and I kind of forgot about it. I popped it in the fridge as we left the apartment, about 7:30pm then didn't look at it again until around 10am this morning. I took it out, poked some salty water into it (the original recipe didn't have salt, apparently this salt water method is a good idea but I'm on the fence, the bread is a little tasteless) and did some folding and stretching. I shaped it a little, then put it in the dutch oven to rise for a couple more hours in the warm spot on the landing. It settled a little, but also grew a little. Finally, I baked it as normal but at a slightly higher temperature (by accident). Despite these many failings, it came out brilliantly. Extremely soft, bubbly, nice crust. My starter is really alive and kicking, it's so satisfying. The next step is to start using wholemeal flour.

Bread with a knife in it, from above Bread with a knife in it, from the side White bread, cut open White bread, cut open

listening to
