
it's not so hard to do


2 minute read

I recovered fairly well from the rocky nights sleep last night, applied for a couple of jobs through Seek. Seek makes it a little too easy imo, but what ever. They were both through recruiters, we'll see how it goes.

another CV

I'm planning on making a full CV in html, because I'm frustrated at the document size of the ones I've generated in figma and because I don't like using Figma as a content editor. I can use Yaml files for the content, using separate files for each job. I'll add it to the stack of ongoing projects.

At this point I was interrupted by a call from a recruiter desparate to hear about my js cv ideas no doubt

I'll be able to try out different themes, and it will export a more user friendly format. I'll use it to try out tailwind.css


I was thinking about utility class css recently, and I read a little article on the tailwind website that was good. Next I want to read this longer one - CSS Utility Classes and "Separation of Concerns". My main thoughts and takeaways are that anything you lose in markup readability you gain in not having to maintain CSS, and that markup readibility and semantics are a markup and dev philosophy issue, not a styling issue.

I wonder if you could do something like write all the utility classes as a string, then give that a nice semantic name.

// these aren't all real utility classes, just ideas

const linkClass =       "link       dib blue hover:red f4 [disabled]:grey";
const headingClass =    "heading    dib black f1 serif shadow-1 mix-invert m0 mv1";

return (
    <h1 className={headingClass}>Here's a link</h1>
    <a className={linkClass} href="#"> A link </a>

small projects

I really want to move forward with small projects, write a little manifesto and all. Very inspired by Bill Wurtz' small songs, he makes a good point in his episode on about how you get to understand the whole process with a small project, without it taking up too much time. It's not so hard to do.

hot summer nights

Went and had a some beers in the warm evening with the art school kids, always a delight. One of them got 1 tonne of sand delivered to the school for $200, wow! What did you spend your last $200 on?

I used my white board to externalise project stuff

a messy desk, a white board with rectangles scrawled on it, outlining my current projects

listening to

A good clydebuilt radio set
