
the space beyond ._.


2 minute read

I'm feeling very creatively energised lately, I think finishing zinefest (almost) has got me excited to make more stuff. It's a stressful time, but so much fun to now have things made. I'd like to return to reading about goals and setting some guiding stars for creative practice. But what could they be?

Throwing out some ideas:

and some project ideas:

Of course, there are still things I need to finish

The work never ends, this is a good thing.


I've been thinking about how it feels as though I've fallen out of routines and lost a bunch of good habits and endeavours. I want to remember and remind myself that it's not a single case of win-lose, but an ongoing work to improve and know myself. I haven't done much exercise lately, I think this will affect my self esteem. I'm going to go bouldering today. I think I can continue to attempting to build a routine, and with time multiple attempts become a lifestyle. The work never ends.

I really want to have a go tracking everything I do each day, I consistently forget to do so. I think I need a structure or schema to help out, I'll see how other people have done it.

what else

I've been watching Peripheral - it's a fun watch with fun ideas, but everybody is melodramatic and almost camp, and that can be offputting at times. I think it's because the book is rooted in cyberpunk, and the aesthetics of that are always hard to present in a serious way.

listening to

I started listening to Podcast serrote - Gal, Callado e Ana C nos tempos da ditadura. It's a hard listen, thick accents and complex subject matter, it's a welcome challenge.
