
too many coffees


1 minute read

Another short one, busy day with pending appointments.

I couldn't sleep whatsoever last night, too many coffees, too late at night. That's been one of the confronting things of the end of my 20s, ramming up against the physical and chemical limits of my body.

I've felt rough all day, I think in large part due to this lack of sleep. Despite this, I had a fairly good interview with a couple of recruiters about a role I wouldn't mind picking up. Now that zinefest is over I really need to just launch into applying for roles like it's going out of fashion. The interview was good, these recruiters are pretty casual which is nice. I need to get a little clearer about some of my answers, I think I do need to type them out. I wasn't happy with everything, it's okay.

The jobs I really want, I do not feel qualified to land. Not sure how to get around this one, within the time in which I'll need work that is.

One of the zinefest organisers gave my zines a special feature in her instagram story! I can die happy. I'm excited that zinefest is over, I have more projects I want to start on now and things I wanna finish:
