
90s hip hop.


1 minute read

pest trints

Yesterday I worked hard on zines, didn't manage to get them as far along as I hoped. Printing adds complexity, I forgot about the trials of test prints. I'm testing with my inkjet, but it feeels very far off how the lazer print will look. Today, maybe tomorrow morning, I'll try to get to officeworks and test print. It would be nice to test print everything, the pig zine and all.

90s hip hop

I feel like I get it now, I understand why 90's hip hop sounded like that. The energy in the room, when the music is that bouncy, is unmatched. I went to see Onyx last night, on a last minute whim, and had a fantastic time. It's really nice to feel like you've been somewhere at a moment, an event people will talk about attending as time goes on. It was cool to wear a cap indoors and for it to be normal too, the fashion at a bar like Laundry is far more comfortable for me than some of the bars in town I've been to.

a dark crowded venue, a big man is glowing red and jumping around in a black singlet

Thinking about design

I still feel anxious about getting a job, but I'm also a little inspired by my thoughts yesterday about pursuing alternative structures of web dev and design, structures that fit my passions and convictions. I came across Norma, an italian design agency "that explores the nihilistic possibility of removing aesthetic choice from the transmission of information". I've had an idea in the past of making site builders for people that, while being less technically complex than wix or squarespace, might be more interesting to use. They could be small in file size, plain html, anti-f@ceb0ok, frivoulous, opinionated. After zinefest I'll hook into it.

Career-wise too, I think I need to actively build an online presence. It's not something I enjoy, but:

  1. I have benefited from other people doing so and
  2. Gotta be seen doing the things I want to do if I want to do more things I want to do for money.

listening to

Slam by Onyx
