
did not look like an angel


1 minute read

I spent the morning working on my CV, and I spent the afternoon working on zines. CV work is slow, I don't like talking myself up and I don't feel confident in my abilities (despite working in the industry for 3 years). It feels like my 4 years of experience in jobs that aren't web development aren't considered by recruiters, which is frustrating. I think I need to be more creative in my job/income search, to think about other options. If I don't like the 9-5 work lifestyle, why try to go back to it? Well, we will see. Chop wood, carry water etc.

Today I'm going to do a big push on the zines, try to get them all done and print ready. I'm not far off now, final few hurdles.

Struggling with distraction a lot today, it's taken me almost half an hour just to write this out.

Might come back to this later, see if I don't have a little more to say. I came back 1 minute later.

Here's some WIP shots for BEE DEATH a bunch of renders of 3d cartoon bees a screenshot of blender software with the bee models in wireframe and rendered

what else?

You can read some of Mary Ruefles erasures here -> She has a great web 1.0 style website, you can smell the html. The landing page has all the mystery and simplicity I enjoy in a website. landing page, a black and white photo of a young child crying, and Ruefle's signature

From MARIE, page 20

falling                 Rock,

                      did not look
like an angel

I maintain a longstanding interest in erasure poetry, and Mary Ruefle, following my personal project: Erase

listening to

🧡WARM🧡 - a collaborative playlist to welcome in the warmer months