
saying less


3 minute read

I've done a little more reflection and I'm doubling down on the plan to write less here, and have one or two days a week where I put a big post in. I want to spend time on some other things, and I want to do some writing that doesn't get shared publicly.

grist for the mill

I'm thinking of taking each post and running it through a sentiment analysis ML model, to see if there's any overarching moods present (or at least, overarching possible moods)

I learnt about textmode

I learnt about it here

It encompasses ascii art, and it's something I've been aware of for awhile but haven't thought of much. It's appealing from a comic and ui design standpoint, and I'd like to explore it more. I am continuously blown away by game developers creative breadth and output.

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That's it today

I'm not doing the weather thing anymore.

listening to

MOTOMAMI + by Rosalía
