
tumbling in the desert wind


2 minute read

Spent most of yesterday working on, the 3rd website redesign. website redesign, home page website redesign, journal website redesign, journal with images

The biggest new move is incorporating the channel into the site. I'll add to it each time I post, with content and connections relevant (in the most generous use of the word) to the post of the day.

I took the js for this from Scoby, in it's page template it does the same api request to load the content in. It's made by Elliot Cost, he does a lot of cool stuff with HTML that I like.

It's always funny making the move from figma to html. It feels so sure and set in the design, and then it ends up alive in the browser and often looks off. I think it's because, try as you may with figma, you can't help but place things in static relation to the frames. Also, especially with, I'm pretty open to let html have it's way - I don't want or need to override a lot of defaults, and don't mind the variation this could cause. I want to push forward with more unstyled websites, at least as a subgenre of my creative practice if not a professional niche.

I rendered the comic data out into a csv yesterday too, it looks cool. All those words, meaningless weeds tumbling in the desert wind. comics in csv format

I need to add the single panel view on mobile, which will probably take me an hour, then go through and tidy everything up, add error catching, etc.

Finally, I need to construct my new golang backend for forge and marry the two. I really want to re-do too, in react. Not that I like react that much, but I want more experience with it and a declarative framework would be good.

All this work might seem frivolous, but it's in order to have a site ready to go for zinefest. I feel good while I'm doing it, and now's the best time to pursue that feeling.

I had a wee think for Hallozeen too, I know what I'm going to try to do for my halloween zine. Of course, as always, the devil is in the details.

I didn't do any zine work yesterday, ended up grabbing a drink with Benjamin in the afternoon sun, in the collingwood yards. We caught the tail end of a mini launch and were gifted an open bottle of prossecco. Ç'est la vie artistique.

A short one today, I've got a meeting with a recruiter later and I want to make more progress on everything.

listening to

Janet - MT Hadley
