
90s british drama with a giant boar


3 minute read

Went to the dentist this morning, half my jaw is still numb.
Upcoming headings:


Felt productive yesterday. I spent a while working on the redesign for, and I'm feeling really good about it. I didn't track it :( I might be able to check the figma logs?

I was thinking about progressive disclosure, as a way to have a minimal comic website that's still reasonably content rich.

minimal white and red mobile designs for a website minimal white and red desktop for a website minimal white and red tablet designs for a website

The saloon will be where all the info pages are, as well as the channel feed.

minimal black and white design for a content page for website

I also wrote some psuedo code to architect the new build

var comics
var notes

type note {
	id: uuid
	x: int
	y: int
	content: string 

load() => {
	loadIn csv
	loadIn notes csv
	serve f/e, with json of comics and notes

addToComics(comic) => {
	some kind of csv db thing
	add to csv
	save out

	if !exists(comic.path) then makePath(path) 
	if imgs then {
		save images to comic.path

makeComic (comic) => {
	comic = comics[comicIndex]
	page = generateComicPage(comic: comicIndex, prev: comicIndex - 1, next: comicIndex + 1 || null)
	savefile(comic.path, page)

Fixed the verbs

The verb data I had was spitting out the subjunctive tenses like this

subjunctive/preterite <-- wrong

when it should have been


It looks like their scraper grabbed the wrong row for the group name. I fixed it in my local files with

cd public/verb-data/json/portuguese/content
for file in */*; do sed -i 's/subjunctive\/preterite/subjuntive\/future/g' file; done

I'm not sure whether to open it as an issue alone or also make a pull request. Aside from that

I made Feijoada last night

It took a little longer than I expected, and the beans weren't as dark as I expected, but overall it's nice. Very salty (salgado mesmo). I made heaps, a half kilo of beans and a kilo of meat in the mix.

Felt more relaxed

After all the stress of flights, I have not booked a thing but I'm feeling more relaxed. First things first, I need to get a job. Other things can follow that.

what's this about a boar?

Inspired by Jon Rafman's instagram posts of ai generated work, I had a play around with Dalle Mini: a grid of 9 AI generated pictures from the prompt 'british 90s drama with giant boar' a grid of 9 AI generated pictures from the prompt 'large boar in space station' a grid of 9 AI generated pictures from the prompt 'large boar from a distance as member of parliament' a grid of 9 AI generated pictures from the prompt 'large boar as a god in kubrick film' I get the best results when I reference things with strong visual aesthetics, eg 90s british drama, or kubrick films. The space station one is a bit so-so, I think these images need the heavy styling to redeem the vagueness of the depiction.

still reading 'Journal of a Solitude', still enjoying it.

I read it on the train to and from the dentist.

I woke in tears this morning. I wonder whether it is possible at nearly sixty to change oneself radically.

Perhaps the themes I wrestle with here shall haunt me my entire life. That's okay. I remember when I first started working out, the resignation when I realised that it starts here and it never ever ends.

listening to

Really enjoying Skylab Radio, this afternoon it's playing a brazilian music playlist and "Cerol no mão" has just come on. From yesterday, I picked out these 3 tracks I liked a lot:
