I have a slew
4 minute read
What new wave breaks across this forehead of a shore?
I spent the day at home procrastinating, sleeping in, mucking about.
Making a CV
I'm making a CV at the moment, it's a little embarrassing. My last one feels so goofy, I think I may just use bullet points for this new one. I'd like a good head shot too, it would be cool to take some on the film camera.
I'm making it in figma, copying the old layout initially, then I'll look at mixing it up. Content first.
I looked at jobs a little, mostly just felt overwhelmed. Even though I know these jobs are, in reality, similar to my last job, the long list of required experience and qualifications is scary. Earlier in the week I figured I could do the morning working on explicity job stuff, and the afternoon working on side projects. With the side projects I can practice including the gaps in my knowledge, like:
- unit testing
- automated testing
- GraphQL
side projects?
Mostly conjugação, an app that continues to escape with it's full form, I frustratingly see only in part. But also, I have a slew of other projects that could do with a refactor:
- chain - add new links, redesign, new functionality
- crayonemoji.art - refactor, new features
- erase (just a little bit) - tidy up code
- return.horse (ha ha I know) - split up site, remake forge.horse, document process
I've started turning off my wifi when I'm trying to get things done, and it's helping. I get so distracted with the internet, and I have so many bad habits as muscle memory in my fingers - command + tab, command + t, i, return
for instagram, for example. The other cool thing is I have to download my music if I want to listen to it. I'm not sure if spotify does that for desktop, I'll look into it eventually, but in the mean time I've bought an album of bandcamp, and it feels good to commit to an album, and support the artist. I wouldn't mind doing it more, building my music collection with intent.
I left in the morning but I did not return.horse
I struggled to make yesterdays r.h comic funny, and ended up not posting anything. This is where it's at now, which is funny, it was just the caption that I found elusive. I'm trying to make a joke around the map => territory relation, but not a one-to-one word swap out (which is sometimes good and funny, but not today). The idea is not the joke.
Paul Klee
I need to return the Paul Klee book today, I got to page 91. Here's all the quotes that I bookmarked while I read
Man is not finished. One must be ready to develop, open to change; and in one's life an exalted child, a child of creation, of the Creator.
The power of creativity cannot be named. It remains mysterious to the end. But what does not shake us to our foundations is no mystery. We ourselves, down to the smallest part of us, are charged with this power. We cannot state its essence but we can, in certain measure, move towards its source.
Art does not reproduce the visible but makes visible. The very nature of graphic art lures us to abstraction, readily and with reason. It gives the schematic fairy-tale quality of the imagination and expresses it with great precision. The purer the graphic work, that is, the more emphasis it puts on the basic formal elements, the less well-suited it will be to the realistic representation of visible things.
All becoming is based on movement. In Lessing's Laocoon, on which we wasted a certain amount of intellectual effort in our younger days, a good deal of fuss is made about the difference between temporal and spatial art. But on closer scrutiny the fuss turns out to be mere learned foolishness. For space itself is a temporal concept. When a point turns into movement and line - that takes time. Or when a line is displaced to form a plane. And the same is true of the movement of planes into spaces. Does a picture come into being all at once? No, it is build up piece by piece, the same as a house.
A sleeping man, the circulation of his blood, the measured breathing of the lungs, the delication function of the kidneys, in his head a world of dreams, related to the powers of fate. An interplay of functions, united in rest.
The relation of art to creation is symbolic. Art is an example, just as the earthly is an example of the cosmic.
The liberation of the elements, their arrangement in subsidiary groups, simultaneous destruction and construction towards the whole, pictorial polyphony, the creation of rest through the equipoise of motion: all these are lofty aspects of the question of form, crucial to formal wisdom; but they are not yet art in the highest sphere. A final secret stands behind our shifting views, and the light of intellect gutters and goes out.
and a couple of pics
listening to
- What do I want in a job?
- What do I want in a side project?