
Hands on tools


3 minute read

Today I'm starting my job era.

This week I need to:

job stuff

me stuff

I'd like to treat this job application stuff as a job, eg. getting up early, 8:30 - 5:00 routine etc. I secretly think I'll really enjoy it.

That all being said, today I slept in until 10:30. Luke ran a marathon yesterday so we spent the whole day celebrating. That sounds loose, but we're all pretty mild mannered souls so it was a lot of dice games, a couple of quizes and then the stayers watched Nathan Fielder's new show, The Rehearsal.

It was a late night, and a late night deserves a late morning. I really suffered from my late night shenanigans last week, my mental health and general productivity took a hit. Hypothesis: I can stay up a little if I want to. Conclusion: No I can't.

Matt told me about a book by Ursula K. Le Guin about a race who can dream while awake, and treat dreaming with the same seriousness with which they treat the waking world. This wouldn't be a bad way for me to treat sleep I reckon.

Tech with Tom

Me and Tom are going to meet up this week to discuss a side project we could work on. We both want to work on something together, we need to choose what.

He's a lot more product minded than I am, but a lot of his ideas are so boring to me, and so far from needs I can understand, that I fail to conjure any enthusiasm for them. I won't write them here because he's careful about IP (another difference between him and I - I think ideas are cheap and I don't care about keeping them secret).

I can't think of something to work on together though! I said I'm happy to design it, so perhaps it will be a design / backend split project? I think the key is, like with all projects, to scope it down as much as possible.

Louis, what is going on

Things feel very fluid right now, I feel like I'm on the edge of change. I feel like a chapter is rolling up, and another poised to unfold. I feel like I need to add something else to the list of things to do this week:

Wow, look how easy it is to write about the things I need to do. Surely it will be just as easy to do them

despite my big talk

I'm likely going to spend the next 2-3 hours doing Portuguese practice, and homework.

a post of lists

I've already got some lists on this post, here's some more points, so I don't forget

for the 2 month break summary

This post felt a bit all over the show, but so do I right now, so it's not too bad.

listening to

Fair Exchange No Robbery
