how to love a lot for a long time
1 minute read
Again! Again, another quiet day. I really want to get better at bash after struggling to bulk rename files. I eventually ended up doing this:
a=0; for i in IMG_*.jpeg; do mv "$i" "$(printf '%02d' $a).${i#*.}"; ((a++)); done
and then
for i in *.jpeg; do mv "$i" "pigs-${i}"; done
and then finally to resize them
for p in pigs-*.jpeg; do ffmpeg -i "$p" -vf scale=1000:-1 "${p%.jpeg}"-small.jpeg; done
Here's the pics, I'm going to tidy them up into clean lines then arrange them in a document, then add the text
It's coming together slowly, hoping to get a good chunk done today at the gallery.
Here's the poem on the back
Absence came to visit
Presence up and died
This empty font
is filled with want
Apples go inside
something important said in a nice way
This is from a piece of poetry/text by my friend Benjamin
"That negotiation with time to ensure the sustainability of love. A precarious reasoning of how to love a lot, but for a long time."
Group critique
I'll talk about it tomorrow, it went really well. I've been hosting, so that's why this is being published late.
what else?
- It would be good to add better css for code snippets
- The simpsons is pretty good.