
The big B (Bell Hooks)


3 minute read

Another day in the big B.


Played some whopping games of Yaniv yesterday, unreal outcomes. We introduced a new rule, yet to be used, where a Joker can be swapped for it's actual card in a flush straight.

I'm going to try to make the notation easier to type:

Game 1

LK      LG
6       0 x
10      0 x
10 x    4
10 x    20
10 x    49
19      30 x
24      30 x
27      30 x
36      30 x
42      30 x
            <---- at this point we started using a deck with 4 jokers
25 k    30 x
61      40 x s (4 jokers in one hand!)
106     30 x

Game 2

LK      LG
0  x    1
36      1  x s
36 x    16
36 x    31
36 x    41
46      41 x
46 x    45
46 x    64
55      64 x
55 x    50 K
66      50 x
80      50 x
108     50 x

Apart from that spent most of the day at the accomodation hanging out in the pool, discovered some very fun water trials - some from my youth and some reinvented. Here they are

  1. Racing in the pool with your arms above the water
  2. Trying to create mini whirlpools with your hands
  3. Squirting water out through the gaps between two gripped hands
  4. Splashing in a way to create a superficial and rough bubble in the air
  5. Balancing on your big toes on the edge of a stair underwater. You put your arms up in the air and use them to help balance. Looks ridiculous.

We went out to a local warung for dinner, I had a pork ~something~, I can't remember what. It was good.

Read Bell Hooks

I read a zine I got at the anarchist zinefair a wee while ago - Love as the Practice of Freedom by Bell Hooks (you can read here, though it's not so nicely formatted).

It's got some really good takeaways. It's about (as the title suggests) the necessity of love in political action to bring about lasting and beneficial change. I need to read it again and try to summarise it, but it's short enough as it is.

One piece that really stood out to me, taken from an essay by Luther Smith, was this quote about working together to experience the joy in struggle.

Working within community, whether it be sharing a project with another personm or with a larger group, we are able to experience joy in struggle. This joy needs to be documented. - Luther Smith, Spirituality Out On The Deep

Encouraging, and makes me want to apply myself again to group projects, though aggresively scoped. Nice quote from the short article about collating Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities about scope.

I learned a lot about pedagogy while designing, developing, editing, and reading Digital Pedagogy. I also learned a lot about myself. For instance, I was initially tempted to do all the things. What if we added X, or readers could do Y? I gather this temptation is common among web-based projects, “unbounded” such as they may be, and thus I spent nearly a decade educating myself about scope and feature creep.

I want to read some articles and make some notes about scope.

finishing this later in the day

It's another quiet day, sitting around the pool mostly, playing cards. I taught Luke 2 handed Euchre - it's a nice game but we might not keep playing as it doesn't have the flow of Yaniv and it can be depressing to lose. I suspect Luke may not be good at identifying a good hand, but I'm not going to try to solve that problem.

I also finished another book

but I'll write about that tomorrow (or the next day)

listening to

the distant music from the beach - mostly covers of pop songs either played live or a pop house remix

questions (in lieue of finding something that fits better)