
Nearly forgot! whoah


2 minute read

I nearly forgot to write today! Yesterday was good, filled up with ambition.


I finished the yellow climb in the other direction, and made a good start on the orange! Now I just need to do the yellow both ways. Lots of people there yesterday, even though the weather was rubbish! I got drenched, didn't enjoy that part much. Some chatty folks, people are friendly down at the wall. I think I'm probably less friendly than the others, I don't care for too much chat with strangers when I arrive.


I suffered from not giving myself decent error messages and trying to half-ass some code, ending with more time spent debugging than was really necessary. I'm moving everything to Typescript, which hopefully will save energy in the long run, even though for now it's a hassle to learn. Professionally, this is a good move to. Strongly typed languages make for more robust programming.

I read some of "On Weaving" by Anni Albers yesterday

bloody inspiring, realised I can make my own heddles with dowls and yarn (thanks also to the encouragement from Rainbow who works at the bar below the gallery). A really thorough but concise run through of weaving technology too, inspiring me to seek out the history again of more of the things I apply myself to: programming, cartoons, typography, printing, argentina, new zealand, all sorts. We know in part and see in part, but there are still parts to be known!


I moved my sourdough starter into the hotwater cupboard and saw great improvement! Bubbles, smell, all that. I'm keeping the lid on too, so it doesn't dry out like it was doing. Today I start mixing plain flour in, and then I guess it's ready? I need to do a little more research, but I think I'll keep feeding it daily a little longer to really develop the culture.


I'm still doing yoga each morning, following Adriene's videos on youtube - mostly doing morning themed ones that are easy and light, in time I'll move on to more difficult ones. I like how she refers to it as a practice, a nice way to respect our bodies and our activities, I wonder what else I could start referring to as my practice? I guess it describes something we practice regularly, with the intention of developing greater understanding through doing.

No screens after 9:30

I tried my idea for a wind down, not using my laptop or phone after 9:30pm. Because I don't need to go to sleep until 11:30 I could probably change this to be a bit later, but we'll see how we go. I only used it once in that time to reply to some messages and to look up some go libraries, leading into my next point.

This blog has sat local long enough

I'm going to spin up an extremely minimal go static site builder for this blog today. It will:

I'll use the same css as my website.

Timer's gone off, so will I.

listening to


Posted by Jillian Mayer on her instagram will type up the questions another time