
What new mystery


1 minute read

It's been a few days. I can't remember why I didn't write on friday, I think I was simply tired? I've been very tired lately, not entirely sure why. Friday was good though, I made a massive soup with fresh tomatoes (accidently bought far too many tomatoes, I'll never be perfect).

Me without mewithoutYou

Saturday and Sunday were taking up hanging out with Ash, watching the concluding 2 livestreams for mewithoutYou. They're a great band, and they mean a lot to me. Listening to them opened me up to music about spirituality that was earnest, honest, and not agraid of ambiguity and mystery. So much music I listened to as a kid was just youth pastors telling you their conclusions about the bible over the top of boring chords. MewithoutYou were asking questions, using both religious language I was familiar with and new exciting language. I'd like to say more, but I've run out of time and I'm butting up against my ability to express myself.

What new mystery is this? In overflowing emptiness! The invisible is seen among the shadows and the mist Before my doubting eyes The infinite appears this time The unquestionable is questioned But makes no reply!

A Glass Can Only Spill What it Contains

Boy weeping of the loom

Finished weaving the weeping boy, now I just need to tie of the ends. Will watch some vids today to figure it out. final weeping boy tapestry next to the whiteboard design, infront of a desk

Listening to



what else?

Felipe Archuleta