
Damaged earth


1 minute read

Found myself far too tired to write this last night so I am writing it late on the morning of the 1st of August. A short entry, but still some things I want to put down.

What am I to do with all this time??

I wrote about the anxiety I felt at the start of the week regarding planning my 2 month break. Over the week this has reduced a fair bit as I've had time to reflect on what's working and what's important. I don't think I need to plan it out too rigidly - more so I need to set the conditions for a good and useful break. Thinking about what I want to do each day is a drag, I think at the start of each week I will set out a plan. This plan will have what I intend to do, and when I will work on it in order to do it. Then at the end of each week, or the start of the next week, I can go over this plan to see how close I was or what didn't work so well.

Thinking about making anki cards for gallery exhibitions, make me feel a little more confident with guests. Maybe I could do this with other stuff too? I want to learn more art history, and computer science... could be a go?

Back to what I said before

Though I don't want or need to plan the whole thing, I will have a list of books and films to get through over the next 7 weeks. I'll link them here shortly.

what's been on, in my mind

Found the Damaged Earth Catalogue (through, of course,