a sound like no other (derogatory)
1 minute read
There is still construction outside my window
It's just the worst sound in the world. A jackhammer attached to a small digger is making painful progress across a reinforced concrete roof. Nothing keeping me here though! I went out to the Melbourne aquarium - lovely time. Took some rubbish photos, maybe even some good ones. Afterwards I ran some errands and spent time in a study room in the city library, writing down the outstanding tasks for forge.horse
Added more words to Anki, and updated some. Specifically, corrected my card for "Largar mão de ..."
forging forth a horth
It's still not finished! But is, thankfully, very very close.
Outstanding tasks, as far as I'm currently aware:
- make template for manifesto
- make template for archive
- make template for home
- make template for individual
- make template for all
- update posts list after publishing
I did manage to knock off a couple of tasks
- Save drafts to server
- Improved comic validation
I did it. I finished the loom. Nailed all the little nails in, hopefully tight enough. I guess tomorrow I'll string it up, maybe at the same time as I string my guitar.
I got halfway through nailing today and thought "That's enough for today", but had recently read about time assets and had the second thought "it's not going to be any more fun tomorrow". It's good to nip procrastination like that in the bud, especially at this point in the start of my 2 month break.
Another part of weaving is patience, so it's fitting for this pre-weave stage to ask the same of me.
something else
I finally paid for Are.na premium
listening to
Off Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster
- Could I make something that feels like an aquarium
- What can you accept as is, and lift a burden from your mind in doing so.