
Weaving and sick, yet not sick of weaving.


1 minute read

Finished a weaving piece today.

Wove pink and white yarn, in a mostly improvised pattern. The loom itself wasnt great - the cardboard wasn't stiff enough and I struggled to get consistent tension across the threads of the warp. This was an issue in the weave as well, mixing the yarns was didn't go how I would've liked. One was thicker than the other, and this caused an undesired imbalance in the vertical tension. I also tried filling in the pink sections first, then filled in the white parts after. This interferred with the already struggling edges, disrupting them in order to interlock them. It might have been better if the yarns were the same weight, but I need to watch more tutorials to understand the mechanics of mixing yarns.

Though it wasn't the most succesful weaving, it was a success in practice and learning! Weaving is, for me, for now, learning. Learning about craft, learning about patience. Learning about systems, patterns, composition, design, and what it is I want and need creatively in my work.

I'm reading about Anni Albers. Nothing yet to say, except that it is inspiring. I will write about it more later, I have bookmarked some pages and want to gather my thoughts a little more.

Still quite sick

I had hoped I'd be well on the mend by now - it is what it is. Will take some vitamins, rest up as much as I can, try to get some more nourishing food. I am having trouble focussing. I don't notice so much when I'm by myself, but talking to people I feel it, my thoughts feel thin and watery (?) - like I can't talk and think at the same time.

listening to

Nothing today, a day without music


West World season 2

something else